Go! Go! Nihon blog

Autore: Tao

Cultura giapponese
Festeggiare il capodanno in Giappone è un’esperienza fantastica. A differenza di molti Paesi occidentali, non è usanza sparare fuochi d’artificio durante il primo dell’anno. Piuttosto, è consuetudine mettere uno shimekazari (しめ飾り) o un kadomatsu (門松)...

Who we are

Go! Go! Nihon Live and Study in Japan!

In 2009, after meeting and studying at a Japanese language school together, Davide and John start working on a project that will make the process of living and studying in Japan much easier. The idea for Go! Go! Nihon is born. The service and website is launched with Italian, Swedish, and English language support. There is an immediate positive reception to the service and the first long-term students start the October session that year.