Vivre & étudier au Japon

Se rendre au Japon n'a jamais été aussi simple

Vous voulez vivre au Japon ? Tout commence par l’apprentissage de la langue. Nous travaillons en partenariat avec plus de 20 des meilleures écoles de langue japonaise du Japon, répondant à tous les niveaux, à tous les styles d’apprentissage et à tous les objectifs. Nous vous conseillons l’école de langue la plus adaptée à vos besoins.

Four students living & studying in Tokyo

Inscrivez-vous dès maintenant avec nous!


Les places sont limitées et les dates limites sont susceptibles d’être modifiées. Nous recommandons à tous les étudiant.e.s de contacter Go ! Go ! Nihon afin de soumettre vos dossiers bien avant la date limite. Nous acceptons également les inscriptions pour la session de janvier 2025.


Qui nous sommes

Go! Go! Nihon Vivre & étudier au Japon !

Go! Go! Nihon a été fondée en 2009 par deux étudiants d’une école de langue japonaise, qui souhaitaient faciliter la vie et les études au Japon. Le service a été lancé avec un support en anglais, italien et suédois. Il prend désormais en charge 7 langues au total et a fièrement aidé plus de 13000 personnes à vivre et étudier avec succès au Japon.

Ce que nous faisons

Vivez et étudiez au Japon avec Go! Go! Nihon

Go! Go! Nihon a fièrement aidé des milliers de personnes du monde entier à réaliser leur rêve de vivre au Japon en les aidant à acquérir l’une des compétences les plus importantes : apprendre la langue japonaise. Que vous souhaitiez étudier au Japon pendant deux ans ou deux semaines, nous pouvons vous aider à sélectionner une école, à louer un logement et à vous installer dans votre vie au Japon. Vous ne pouvez pas encore vous rendre au Japon ou vous voulez prendre de l’avance ? Nous proposons des cours en ligne créés en partenariat avec des écoles de langue japonaise au Japon.


Pourquoi choisir Go! Go! Nihon

Des cours en ligne conçus par des professionnels

Nos cours en ligne sont créés pour vous aider à apprendre le japonais où que vous soyez.

Nous prenons en charge 7 langues

Notre équipe dédiée fournit une assistance en anglais, français, italien, espagnol, suédois, allemand et portugais.

Notre assistance est gratuite

Nous ne facturons pas notre service, vous payez donc exactement les mêmes frais si vous postuliez vous-même à l’école de votre choix.

Des cours adaptés à tous

Nous trouverons la meilleure option pour vous, que vous souhaitiez étudier pendant deux semaines ou deux ans. Choisissez un voyage ou trouvez une école.

Aide et services sans tracas

Nous pouvons vous aider avec l’hébergement, organiser une prise en charge à l’aéroport, obtenir une carte SIM et plus encore.

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ans et plus à aider des étudiants
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vies d'étudiants changées
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nationalités conseillés et soutenus
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partenariats pour soutenir les étudiants

Ce que disent nos étudiants

Découvrez ce que nos anciens et actuels étudiants ont dit de leurs expériences de candidature pour étudier au Japon avec Go! Go! Nihon.

Evaluations Google
Basé sur 714 avis


J’ai eu une tellement bonne expérience avec Go!Go! Nihon que j’ai utilisé leur service pour un 2ème voyage au Japon !


Je suis sûr que Go!Go!Nihon est le moyen le plus efficace pour s’assurer de pouvoir venir au Japon. Sans leur aide, la tâche m’aurait vraiment été compliquée
Recomendo muito a Go Go Nihon, me ajudaram em todo processo com a coordenadora Nina como suporte em PT BR orientando em cada etapa do processo!
Lucas G.
Lucas G.
Ottima agenzia di supporto per chi vuole studiare in Giappone e non sa da dove partire. C'è una buonissima assistenza per scegliere la scuola, alloggio e quali documenti occorre... preparare per trasferirsi li, nonostante il fusorario di otto ore e quindi l'attesa nelle risposte sono super efficienti e disponibili. Un ringraziamento particolare a Veronica che mi ha assistita da un anno a questa parte e ha risposto a qualsiasi domanda, anche la più scontata. Quindi per chi volesse venire in Giappone consiglio di affidarsi a loro . 🙂plus
Chiara A.
Chiara A.
Outstanding customer service!I used their services back in 2019 to come to Japan to study, and they helped me so much with every single step. We kept in contact even after I... started my studies, and they were always open to help me with any problems I had along the journey.Now, almost 5 years later, I'm currently steadily living and working in Japan. I decided to reach out again since I had a new inquiry... And without making me wait at all they answered my questions and helped me solve my problems once again!They are just way too nice :)I'm forever grateful!plus
X D.
X D.
Que dire… Et surtout quoi dire de négatif ??Je ne suis vraiment pas déçu d'être passé par Go! Go! Nihon pour venir étudier sur Kyoto. Après un voyage, une grande réflexion sur... mon parcours de vie et surtout après les avoir harcelé de questions pendant des mois durant. Je peux affirmer avoir eu des personnes en OR par messages.Se lancer dans l'inconnu peut, parfois, faire peur et grâce à la gentillesse et bienveillance des équipes de Go! Go! Nihon, je n'ai eu aucun moment de doute ou regret.Aujourd'hui j'entame ma deuxième semaine d'étude en japonais dans une très bonne école avec un logement plus que correct, une assurance/pension japonaise, un forfait téléphone ainsi qu'un compte en banque japonais. Et ça, je leur dois à eux, à leurs blogs, FAQ et partenaires (tels que les agences de logements). Beaucoup de choses que je n'aurais pu réaliser seul, sans leurs précieux conseils.Bref tout ça pour vous dire merci !Merci d'avoir réalisé ce rêve d'il y a 1 an. Où tout me semblait compliqué, tout est devenu plus simple.J'ai encore tellement de choses à dire, mais je vais conclure par un : "je recommande à tout ceux qui souhaite s'expatrier pour étudier cette langue magnifique, visiter et faire de belles rencontres."Enfin, je trouve juste dommage le fait qu'il n'y ait pas eu de point de rendez-vous avec l'équipe dès mon arrivée. J'aurais tellement aimé vous dire merci en face à face et remercier principalement Armelle et Pauline pour leur implication dans ce projet de vie. Je vous en suis très profondément reconnaissant.Maël. 🙂plus
Maël D.
Maël D.
Sto scrivendo questa recensione dalla mia stanza in una bellissima sharehouse nella meravigliosa Kobe, a poche fermate del treno dalla scuola di lingua giapponese che frequento.... Per essere concisa, lascio cinque stelle a Go!Go!Nihon perché senza l'assistenza e la guida (colgo l'occasione di ringraziare in particolare Mara) offertami in tutte le fasi della preparazione del viaggio, tutto ciò non sarebbe potuto succedere. Grazie mille!plus
alexandra B.
alexandra B.
Agradezco enormemente la ayuda y el soporte que te da GoGo!Nihon (En especial a Alberto, el agente que me llevo). Todo fácil, muy intuitivo y servicio gratuito. Muchas gracias.
Fernando S.
Fernando S.
Siete stati magnifici, organizzazione impeccabile, tanta disponibilà e incredibile pazienza. L'agenzia migliore su cui contare per studiare in giappone. Veronica è stata la mia... guida, la ringrazio infinitamente, è stata
Luca De R.
Luca De R.
Graças a Go! Go! Nihon hoje estou estudando no Japão! A coordenadora Nina foi muito atenciosa e me instruiu desde a matrícula até a chegada ao Japão. A equipe atende em vários... idiomas e Nina me atendeu em português, o que facilitou bastante a comunicação. Obrigado a toda equipe! Trabalho brilhante!plus
Gabriel F.
Gabriel F.
Ci tenevo a ringraziare tutto lo staff per avermi seguita passo per passo fin dal primo giorno. Un grazie speciale a Mara che mi ha sempre risposto ad ogni domanda e... preoccupazione che potessi avere.Vi consiglio senza dubbio di rivolgervi a loro se avete in mente un’esperienza all’estero come questa che sto facendo io!!plus
Really happy with the support Go! Go! Nihon provided me to start studying in Japan. If you feel that you are overwhelmed with all the information and do not exactly know how or... what steps you should take to start studying in Japan, I definitely recommend them. They will help you through the whole difficult process and give you helpful tips about living and studying in
Servizio impeccabile! Lo staff di GoGo Nihon segue passo per passo ogni passaggio, notifica prontamente ogni aggiornamento ed è sempre disponibile a domande e chiarimenti. Ho... iniziato il processo di iscrizione ad agosto, ed oggi sono finalmente in Giappone, le mie aspettative sono state rispettate! Per chi vuole andare a studiare in Giappone, consiglio vivamente di fare affidamento su di
Silvia C.
Silvia C.
Wow! This company is fantastic. They do exactly what they say... make it as easy as possible to get all the paperwork ready and apply to a Japanese language school for... foreigners. No hidden fees or unexpected costs. I would recommend GoGo Nihon to any of my friends and even you!Thanks Kristina! (Sapporo Language Academy, April 2024)plus
Casey S
Casey S
If you are planning on studying in Japan, GoGo Nihon is an amazing resource! They help you every step of the way with finding language schools, applications and obtaining visas.... Even if your plans change slightly during the process, like mine did due to personal circumstances, they are super understanding and accommodating. I would highly recommend GoGo Nihon to anyone, and the best part is their service is free!plus
Michelle L.
Michelle L.
Very helpful with the whole process of finding a college and accommodation. Explaining all the steps needed to get to Japan as a student.
Matthew P.
Matthew P.
Excelente serviço! Eu que sempre viajei por conta própria, ao decidir estudar no Japāo a primeira vista parecia ser um processo extremamente complicado e assustador, foi entāo... que devido a recomendaçōes cheguei até a GoGo Nihon. A coordenadora Nina só faltou me pegar pela māozinha e me levar para o Japāo 🤣. Passou quase que 6 me auxiliando a todo momento, o processo que parecia impossível a primeira vista passou a ser algo relativamente simples, com a ajuda da Nina e da equipe GoGo Nihon. Só tenho a agradecer por terem me ajudado a realizar meu sonho de trabalhar e estudar no Japāo 👏👏.Atenciosamente,Daniel
Daniel B.
Daniel B.
The staff is super helpful and friendly.I don't think i would have made it without them. Very grateful!!
Martina I.
Martina I.
Personale sempre disponibile e cordiale. Risponde a tutte le domande in maniera esaustiva e precisa e ti guida dall'inizio alla fine nell'arduo procedimento di entrata in...
Nikolas A.
Nikolas A.
Molto soddisfatta del servizio che offrono! Senza l'aiuto di Veronica sarebbe stato difficile fare i preparativi da sola. Utilissimo anche il blog dove si spiegano alcune... procedure pratiche come ad esempio l'assicurazione sanitaria e l'utilizzo del QR code per la
Noemi P.
Noemi P.
Tudo foi perfeito.Só consegui chegar ao Japão essa semana graças a GoGo Nihon e a Nina.Em cada etapa do processo ela me ajudou (e teve bastante paciência com as milhares de... perguntas que eu fazia). Pesquisei vários intercâmbios antes e sem dúvida eles são os
Carol C.
Carol C.
Sans go go nihon j’aurais jamais pu réaliser le rêve de partir au Japon, leurs aides étaient vraiment incroyable et je recommande à tous ceux étant hésitant et voulant le faire... d’y aller sans hésiterplus
Picca L.
Picca L.
I initially made the mistake of trying to apply to a school on my own. I was faced with confusion and lack of meaningful assistance, brushed off and told they didn't have the time... for it.Contacting Go!Go!Nihon was the best decision I made, and my only regret is not going through them sooner. Every single question I had was answered in great detail, including ones I didn't know I wanted to ask. The patience and dedication to making everything as unambiguous as possible is very reassuring in such an otherwise complicated and bureaucratic process. All it takes is following extremely simple directions, and they take care of the rest for you. There is a human element that can support you in ways a search engine simply cannot help, on an individual personal basis.Being a completely free service that saves you so much time and effort while ensuring your dreams are achieved, there really is no reason not to contact them, even if you're still unsure and just want consultation. There are no commitments and no fees to worry about, so you can even start a chat just to get a feel for it and see if you'd be interested.Highly recommended
S D.
S D.
Andare in Giappone a studiare è veramente complicato, ma con Go! Go! Nihon è bastato seguire le loro indicazioni per rendere tutto molto più semplice. Sempre gentili e... disponibili, li raccomando a chiunque volesse fare un'esperienza di studio in Giapponeplus
antonio V.
antonio V.
Aunque a veces tarden un par de días en responder, resuelven las dudas que puedan surgir y ayudan con todos los trámites necesarios.Gracias a ellos ya tengo todo listo para... poder empezar a estudiar en Japón dentro de una semana y vivir una nueva
Kevin López (.
Kevin López (.
Outstanding Service! I would definitely recommend going through GoGoNihon if you are wanting to study abroad in Japan. They were quick to reply if there was anything that I needed... throughout my application process. They were very friendly and everything was very organized!I recently received my Visa and will be attending a language school in Japan this upcoming month. Could not be more excited! And GoGoNihon helped greatly in the process of getting there!They helped me out with setting up my Visa application, as well as my housing with other agencies. And helped answer any questions that I had!Overall, I am very happy with the service provided to me!Would recommend! 5 out 5 stars!plus
Jeremiah J.
Jeremiah J.
This service would be incredible even if they charged money, it's unbelievable for free. It was incredibly daunting to think about studying abroad as an adult but they walked me... through everything patiently and kindly. Very much
Niko W.
Niko W.
Very helpful whenever I ran into issues, and Go! Go! Nihon was able to get me into the exact school I wanted to attend.
Nate P.
Nate P.
The go-to agency if you wish to study language in Japan. Every staff member is incredibly helpful and they assisted me with all the complicated paperworks and other processes.... Can't recommend Go! Go! Nihon enough!plus
Tim Y
Tim Y
Agradezco demasiado la ayuda que me brindaron para poder estudiar en Japón. El servicio y la atención es amena y agradable, además de que consigue hacer mucho más sencilla la... preparación y el envío de documentos. Lo recomiendo al 100%plus
Joaquín L.
Joaquín L.
La mia esperienza con Go! Go! Nihon è stata positiva fin dall'inizio, lo staff è super reattivo e sempre pronto a chiarire ogni dubbio :)Sono stata seguita da Veronica e non... potrò mai ringraziarla abbastanza per il suo incredibile supporto; mi ha guidata con estrema precisione e gentilezza in ogni step del mio percorso ed è stata sempre tempestiva nel rispondere ad ogni mia domanda.Studiare all'estero è un'esperienza eccitante, ma è indubbiamente un percorso nel quale si incontrano diverse difficoltà e il supporto offerto da Go! Go! Nihon mi ha permesso di affrontarne diverse con estrema serenità (la burocrazia giapponese, la procedura di iscrizione ad una scuola di lingua, l'ottenimento del visto studentesco e la prenotazione dell'alloggio). L'azienda si impegna inoltre a creare una vera e propria rete tra gli studenti che arrivano in Giappone promuovendo diverse occasioni di scambio che permettono di fare amicizia e conoscere persone nuove!Non posso dunque che consigliare di rivolgersi a Go! Go! Nihon se si intende intraprendere un percorso di studio in Giappone!plus
Clarissa T.
Clarissa T.
Can definitely recommend Go! Go! Nihon if you were ever thinking of going to Japan to learn the language. They take you through all the different processes of getting in contact... with a school. They are working together with a bunch of schools so it's very easy to find something you like.They also help you with a lot of the other things that are involved in moving to Japan, like the processes for getting your visa and working together with housing companies to get a place to stay.It's also a nice way to get to know new people with common interests, as you get to meet people who have also used their website.All in all well worth it, definitely made the process a lot smoother than if I had to do it
Andreas L.
Andreas L.
Go Go Nihon exceeded my expectations in every aspect of my journey to studying in Japan, and Layna played an integral role in making it happen. From guiding me through the... selection process of the perfect Japanese language school to ensuring a smooth application, Layna's expertise and dedication were invaluable. She patiently addressed all my inquiries, leaving no stone unturned. My experience with Layna and Go Go Nihon has been nothing short of exceptional, and I wholeheartedly recommend their services to anyone seeking assistance in pursuing education in Japan. Thank you so much!plus
Zachary P.
Zachary P.
The staff at Go Go Nihon are incredible! I have used their services twice now and both times have been without any issue. All the necessary documents are organised and sent to you... in a timely manner and any questions are answered within a couple days.A huge plus for go go nihon is their list of schools and sharehouses. Trying to research independently and finding the right school/accomodation can be very stressful but go go nihon provides all the information (for free) in a very accessible manner, on their website.All in all I’m very happy I decided to use their services. Special thank you to Layna who worked very diligently and made the application process a joyful
Fintan M.
Fintan M.
Go!Go!Nihon have been incredibly helpful from my first contact with them all the way through the process. They are always very friendly and eager to answer any questions I had, a... lot of the time supplying additional supportive information in the process. Their service made what I imagine could be a difficult process, into a swift a worry free one. Thank you!plus
The assistance that I received during the application process was excellent. The information about my application was always timely and the person that I worked with was always... courteous. I have no complaints. I would absolutely use GoGo Nihon again. A+plus
Luke H.
Luke H.
Go!Go! Nihon is a fantastic service to anyone looking to study in Japan. I highly recommend their services, they were incredibly helpful with answering my questions and making... sure I had all the right documents and information for Visa applications into Japan. If you are hoping to pursue a language course in but do not know where to start, definitely check out Go! Go!
Kyle G.
Kyle G.
I'm so glad that I went through Go! Go! Nihon when applying to a language school in Japan! My coordinator Layna was so helpful and kind! They made the process of applying and... getting ready to move so much smoother!plus
Riley P.
Riley P.
My experience with Go! Go! Nihon has been great so far. Their staff are very friendly and helpful. They are very knowledgable on the application process and they are more than... happy for you to reach out and ask any questions you may have while working through the long application process.I will be arriving in Japan in April 2024 and Go! Go! Nihon has been a major asset in helping me navigate the process and work out many of the unknowns involved with this big move.If you are considering moving to Japan, are interested in studying Japanese, and are wondering where to start. I encourage you to reach out to Go! Go! Nihon with any questions you may have and they can help you find the right School and Accomodation and help you with the application process if you decide to go through with it.There is also a wonderful community of students that have applied through Go! Go! Nihon which you can talk to and participate in events so you have many opportunities to make friends.If you are serious about giving it a go, I highly recommend Go! Go!
Dean W.
Dean W.
Go! Go! Nihon is a great way to get to Japan to learn Japanese. The whole process took a little bit of time but the staff are there to help every step of the way. From answering... questions to getting me setup with my chosen school, I never had any issues. I recommend utilizing their services and knowledge if you're looking to do the same. Thank you!plus
Brian S.
Brian S.
The scope of service is impressive: from schools to living arrangements to travel help. They are very professional and helpful, always getting back to you in a timely manner. It... is great to talk to an actual person for help and feedback. Highly
Chris M.
Chris M.
The staff at Go! Go! Nihon help you navigate the tricky application process with ease. They always have your best interests in mind, and will be your best advocate. Attention to... detail, friendly service, all performed without charging you a fee. What more could you ask for?plus
Jon O.
Jon O.
I wouldn't consider any other way to choose a school or apply for a student visa.I worked with Rocio (whom I am extremely grateful to), which made the process of applying for the... schools and Certificate of Eligibility quite effortless. It was hugely reassuring to know that any queries or doubts I had would be answered quickly and answered well. It made a daunting process feel genuinely painless. The process of choosing a school went smoothly with great recommendations, and resulted with a small school in an area I know well with great reviews. It has been a genuine pleasure and, frankly a relief, to have worked with Rocio and GoGoNihon.I have absolutely no complaints, criticisms, nor recommendations for improvement as each step of the way is fully explained, well documented, and easy to follow.If you're hesitant, you needn't be with GoGoNihon helping you. Thank
Georgina R.
Georgina R.
Je suis très satisfaite de mon expérience chez Go! Go! Nihon 😊 ma coordinatrice Pauline qui fait le suivi de mon dossier est toujours réactive à mes messages et a su me... proposer une école qui me plaît et me correspond! Si vous avez pour rêve d'étudier le japonais, je vous recommande de passer par là, ça vous facilitera l'expatriation 🩷plus
Nora A.
Nora A.
L'équipe est d'une très grande aide. J'ai eut Pauline qui s'est occupée de moi. C'est très pratique d'avoir un contact français entre nous et l'école. Hâte pour la suite.
Shahinez B.
Shahinez B.
Ma coordinatrice Pauline est patiente avec moi et explique bien les choses, répond rapidement à toutes mes questions (avec le décalage horaire évidemment) et prévient toujours... quand elle sera absente. Go! Go! Nihon aide vraiment étape par étape et fait en sorte que le processus soit le plus facile possible pour nous. Un grand merci à
julie G.
julie G.
5 stelle meritatissime! Senza di loro non so come avrei fatto a venire in Giappone con un visto studentesco. Grazie mille!
A quasi 2 anni di distanza dal mio arrivo in Giappone ci tengo a ringraziare il servizio di Go! Go! Nihon per il grande aiuto nel venire in Giappone. In particolare ringrazio... Mara, che non solo mi ha aiutato durante tutta la procedura di controllo documenti, ma ha anche offerto sostegno in un periodo di totale incertezza come quello della pandemia. Consiglio questo servizio a tutti coloro che desiderano venire in Giappone e, come me, non sanno come effettuare tutte le procedure!Grazie ancora ❤️plus
Veronica R.
Veronica R.
La mejor experiencia de toda mi vida, muchas gracias por su apoyo y un saludo a ANDER por su gran apoyo y dedicación, recomendado
Yaveh D.
Yaveh D.
I just arrived in Japan, safe and sound and all set to start my school term. Everything went even more smoothly than I could imagine, all thanks to the guys at Go! Go! Nihon. I've... been followed step by step since the very beginning when I merely asked for some general advice to every detail of the burocratic process. Very very highly recommendedplus
Davide B.
Davide B.
Mi sono affidata a GoGoNihon per pianificare il mio studio a Tokyo presso l'Academy Language of Art. Il loro supporto, in particolare quello di Veronica, è stato per me... fondamentale non solo nelle pratiche di richiesta del visto e nelle comunicazioni con la scuola ma anche nel permettermi di arrivare preparata alla partenza e nei primi giorni di vita in Giappone, rendendo il tutto stress-free. Non mi resta che consigliare vivamente GoGo Nihon a chiunque fosse interessato ad un'esperienza di studio in Giappone e ringraziare ancora Veronica per il
Camilla C.
Camilla C.
Using their service is super great! Very responsive and helpful so far with helping with the process of living to JP. If you trying to live or study there you should tots use them!
lilith w
lilith w
Great service, offering free support for getting into languages.All the staff I interacted with got back to me quickly and were super helpful.
Samuel C.
Samuel C.
Ringrazio Go Go Nihon per l’esperienza che mi sta offrendo e per l’aiuto in tutto il percorso fino ad arrivare in Giappone! Un ringraziamento speciale a Veronicaさん sempre... gentilissima e disponibile in tutte le mie difficoltà. Se volete pure voi venire in Giappone lasciatevi guidare e consigliare da Go Go Nihon! ❤️🙏🏻plus
Teo S.
Teo S.
I think what makes the difference in achieving your goals is also determined by the people one meets along one’s path.In the past I tried all it was in my power to come to Japan... and to be honest I was at the end of my tether. I contacted YouTubers, private businesses and even the a chamber of commerce but was always turned down or, even wrost, ignored.One day while browsing I found this agency called GoGoNihon. An agency that helps find language school and have a start with life in Japan.Initially, I was very apprehensive as I felt not completely safe to relay personal information to a third party so I inundated with questions a girl from the Italian team, called Silvia, my very first contact, who kindly put up with my misgivings and answered all my enquiries over a period of three months. Then, moving unto the proper process of registration, I was allocated to another person called Veronica, who diligently followed all the steps of my application exchanging regularly a good deal of emailing. In the final phase of my application, also Mara came along to give some basic presentation about the life in Japan, which helped me a lot to organise myself for the departure. Yes, now, I am in Tokyo, I have some basic understanding of the language and the impossible became possible. Still I get my head around what I am doing as sometimes is very challenging, especially because of the language barrier but it is all worth it. I would not ask for anything else. Thank you for all the time invested in making this dream come true. Keep up the good
Massimiliano F.
Massimiliano F.
Senza il loro supporto non mi sarei mai permessa di scegliere di andare in Giappone da sola per sei mesi! Mi hanno fornito tutte le informazioni e istruzioni per ogni singola... cosa che c'era da fare, step by step, hanno sempre tenuto la mia situazione sotto controllo e si sono sempre assicurati che ogni procedura sia andata a buon fine.Il fatto che seguano gli studenti dal Giappone (non ci sono uffici in Italia a cui fare riferimento) da una parte è rincuorante perché sono sicura di avere il loro appoggio quando sarò in Giappone, dall'altro lato però la comunicazione dall'Italia è molto lenta in quanto io non posso inviare più di un messaggio alla volta (perché altrimenti per loro è difficile seguire la conversazione) e loro rispondono al 99% delle volte il giorno dopo...Malgrado ciò siamo riusciti a organizzare tutto, anche grazie alle informazioni racchiuse nel loro blog e ad altri strumenti molto utili!Grazie mille a Gianluca, Mara, Veronica e a tutto lo staff!plus
Giulia D.
Giulia D.
I got all the support i needed and I got all my questions answered. If you are thinking about studying Japanese in Japan I can highly recommend go go Nihon!
Nicolina S.
Nicolina S.
Grymma på att ordna och hjälpa till med alla förberedelser inför studier i Japan!
Alexander N.
Alexander N.
Una esperienza molto positiva. Tutti sono molto gentili e competenti e mi hanno aiutata molto in tutto il processo di organizzazione del viaggio. Ringrazio tutti a partire da... Veronica che mi ha seguita fin dall'inizio, ma anche tutti gli altri
Silvia B.
Silvia B.
Either if it is your first time travelling or studing in Japan or if you want to make the process easier, Go Go Nihon is the best opcion! They assign you a personal mentor that... speaks your own language so you can follow the process with ease. Their assitance is free, I just had to pay the regular tuitions of the application process and fees of the language school of my destination. They were always kind and clear with the requirements and documents to take to the embassy, etc. In summary they make your dream trip a reality, thanks Go Go Nihon!!!plus
Octavio V.
Octavio V.
Spending a few months living in Japan and learning Japanese has always been a dream of mine, and Go! Go! Nihon helped turn it into a reality. I genuinely could not have done it... without their support. Their professionalism throughout the entire process was outstanding and they played a crucial role in recommending the perfect school and program, as well as support and guidance managing the visa application process and finding accommodation. They provided clear, step-by-step guidance that made what could have been a daunting process feel seamless.Their team was always there to answer any questions and provide support whenever I needed it. A very special shoutout to Layna, whose professionalism and support were exceptional. She went above and beyond to ensure that my application process was smooth and that I made it to Japan without any issues or worries.I'd happily recommend Go! Go! Nihon to anyone looking to move to Japan to learn Japanese. Their team will make sure your experience is as stress-free as possible. A very big thank you to Go! Go!
Ali F.
Ali F.
They were a great help! Walked me through the process and assisted with documentation for studying abroad in Japan. They even knew specific things that certain schools look out... for when applying to ensure acceptance into the program of your
The team at GoGo Nihon made the application process extremely manageable and supported me right the way to receiving my visa.It is brilliant service that I would recommend to... anyone who wants to study Japanese in
Un suivi très précis et très actifs. Aucun reproche à faire car aucun problème ne m'est arrivé. Si vous avez une question, peut importe cette dernière, vous aurez toujours une... réponse la plus clair possible avec un maximum d'information !Je recommande si l'expérience vous intéresse et que vous ne savez pas par où commencer !Merci à Pauline pour sont suivi infaillible et toujours précis !ありがとうございます。plus
Jonathan D.
Jonathan D.
I am ever so grateful to Layna, May, and the GogoNihon team for making the opportunity to live & study in Japan a dream come true!I have yet to start my term, but can say that... Layna, my representative, was a tremendous help in making the application process a breeze. Not only did she spend the time to give me detailed instructions and resources, but she also made sure to always give timely feedback and updates. She was always available for additional clarification and questions, as well as transparent about timelines and processes. It was a pleasure working with her :-)The whole endeavor took about half a year, but such is to be expected when applying for a school -- and a school abroad at that. Each step of the way, however, moved quickly. GogoNihon is very tactical, organized, and communicative about what is needed, so it was easy to collate all materials and swiftly complete each task. They also have partnerships with other agencies -- such as accommodations -- which make it easy to plan and arrange the key logistics of what you'll need for your stay.I cannot wait to start my term, and have GogoNihon and the team to thank for helping me make it possible. GogoNihon is a gem of a service!plus
Melody R
Melody R
The help I got through my application process was amazing, if I didn’t understand they would explain it well, was very kind and always got back to me.Their name was Alesya so... you're in great hands if you end up talking to them!plus
Riley G.
Riley G.
Long story short: the summer course was literally the best 4 weeks study trip and easily one of the best trips I've been part of so far. Fun japanese classes in the morning with... just the sweatest teachers ever and awesome activities in the afternoon with lots of nice people and the funniest guides. :)Huge thanks to my coordinator who even managed to extend my stay to 4 weeks last minute. <3plus
At first, I was a bit skeptical of this considering services are usually never free. But, after doing some research they are indeed real! If it weren’t for Go Go Nihon, I wouldn’t... be going to school in Japan let alone, be in Japan! Despite my process taking a bit longer…each coordinator I worked with was excellent and helped me with any questions or concerns that I had! Now, I’m attending a language school here in Tokyo! I never thought my dream would come true! Thank you Go Go Nihon!plus
Haidyn K.
Haidyn K.
Senza l'aiuto di Mara non credo avrei potuto realizzare il mio sogno di venire in Giappone. Mara e lo staff di Go go Nihon mi hanno aiutata a raccogliere la documentazione... necessaria e si sono occupati della traduzione in giapponese dei documenti, rendendo tutto molto semplice e chiaro. Sono molto soddisfatta e non posso che consigliare a tutti Go go Nihon!plus
Elena M.
Elena M.
Go! Go! Nihon têm boa estrutura para atendimento dos brasileiros que querem vir trabalhar, estudar ou morar no Japão. Recomendo sim o contato com vocês. Obrigado.
Foi uma ótima experiência, eles são muito atenciosos, prestativos e eficientes, sempre perguntando se tem alguma dúvida e nunca deixando de responder.
Augusto Mariano Dias B.
Augusto Mariano Dias B.
Estou em contato com o pessoal da Go Go Nihon desde o começo do ano para realizar o meu intercâmbio aqui no Japão e eles foram super solícitos, tirando todas as minhas dúvidas.A... empresa é super confiável e por terem uma equipe que fala diversos idiomas, o atendimento é bem mais assertivo.Super indico o serviço deles para quem estiver pensando em fazer um intercâ
Anne R.
Anne R.
Super helpful, all very friendly and efficient. I would never be able to come to Japan without their help.
Abibia B.
Abibia B.
Go Go Nihon has been a great resource and point of contact with all things related to applying to language school in Japan and navigating all the requirements as well as their... connections with different lodging accommodations. Kristina, the person who helped me, was always very thorough and detailed in her responses and always available to answer any questions.The application process was fairly smooth and without incidents, albeit long. We applied mid-January for October term and didn't get any response from the GoGo Nihon until mid-April, so be patient as well. What I found helpful is that they review the application before sending it off to your school choice. Our school accepted us right away (late May), so our application was complete and detailed.Go Go Nihon recommends schools based on your goals in Japan and ultimately we chose a different school based on our own research. So I do encourage to start with their recommendations and then do your own research.Overall great experience and most importantly so happy that we got our school approval and student visa
Wei C S.
Wei C S.

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Nouvelles et idées

Habituellement, lorsque vous pensez au printemps au Japon, vous imaginez probablement des gens se rassemblant dans des parcs, regardant les cerisiers en fleurs. Cela fait en effet partie du printemps au Japon, mais il y a tellement plus à vivre que cela. Tout, des délicieux plats de saison à saveur de sakura au matsuri et...
Vivre et étudier à Tokyo peut être l’un des moments les plus palpitants de votre vie. Mais apprendre une nouvelle langue, évoluer dans une très grande ville et être loin de chez soi peut se révéler difficile et vous pouvez vous sentir isolé. Et pour certains, trouver le coin parfait où se détendre, se faire...
Explorer et voyager dans la campagne japonaise est l’une des expériences les plus harmonieuses et les plus terre-à-terre que l’on puisse vivre. En effet, le Japon a une histoire vieille de plus de 2 000 ans, riche en temples, sanctuaires et autres lieux historiques à visiter. Le Japon est également un pays à la nature...
Les prévisions de floraison des cerisiers ont déjà commencé à se concrétiser. L’institut météo japonais a publié ses dernières prévisions en janvier. Il semble que fin mars et début avril sont les meilleurs moments pour admirer les cerisiers au Japon, ou sakura (桜). Lisez ce qui suit pour découvrir les prévisions de floraison pour 2024...
Il peut être très difficile de commencer à étudier pour le N1 du JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test). L’écart de difficulté entre le N2 et le N1 est énorme et les étudiants peuvent mettre entre un et trois ans pour passer du JLPT N2 au N1. Pour réussir l’examen, vous devez vous créer un plan...


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Go! Go! Nihon

Notre bureau à Tokyo

Si vous êtes à Tokyo et que vous souhaitez venir nous rencontrer, envoyez-nous une demande et nous organiserons un meeting! Comme de nombreux membres de notre équipe ont la possibilité de travailler depuis la maison, tous les meetings se font sur rendez-vous uniquement. Nos heures d’ouvertures sont de 10 à 18 heures, du lundi au vendredi, à l’exception des jours fériés au Japon.